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No, you can also share the dare link with everyone in your WhatsApp contacts or the Facebook friends list and ask them to reply to the dare link.
By doing this, you will be able to know Who message & how people think about you in general. And Ask your friends to join this platform. Share this page.
We focus on friendship, and you guys may confess, tell secrets to each other, publicly or anonymously.
The platform is safer than ever, as we are continuously working on the user experience to make the game more fun. We do care about safety. If you feel unsafe, you can deactivate your account first.
If you have used a service called anonymous messages, you must understand the identity of users sending you messages are not stored.
There are no ways to understand who sent you the messages.
There is no way from my side to understand who messaged you.
I completely understand your concern, but that’s how our website works.
Now you can know who messaged you & It comes with many great features.
We cant the track the users, Because of its open login. anyone can message you. Please read our terms and conditions. [/su_spoiler]
Gafla Quiz Secret Message pranks allow you to receive anonymous messages with users names.
How to Create a Secret Message Prank? Or How does it work?
Try secret message prank for a friend. Create your Secret message prank link WhatsApp status. Get an anonymous message with who messaged you.
1) Enter the secret message prank link URL:
2) Enter your name and Create your secret message prank link and share the link with your friends. But not only them, but you can also share the link on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other platform Social Media Platform.
3) Once Publish your secret message prank link, You Receive message with user’s names who messaged you.